Monday 3 November 2014

Some days you just need to vent.....

While it’s been good to write about all the interesting and fun(ny) stuff, sometimes you just need to vent to get the crappy feelings out. The last 24 hrs have left me feeling deflated and crap.

Yesterday, we went out to a ‘resort’ (I use that term loosely) for a BBQ picnic in a convoy. While it was nice to escape the city, we felt like we were stuck there because we couldn’t leave to come home on our own. We had to wait for other’s to leave with us for security. We were going to go for a swim at the beach, but after finding broken glass and empty food tins, we decided against it. PNG has a real issue with rubbish. There is no infrastructure to cater for household and other waste, so the sides of the road are just lined with garbage. Sometimes they’ll set fire to it, but the sheer amount we saw on the way to the resort was deflating. There seems to be no sense of responsibility or pride in their lands. I have always said that PNG could be so beautiful, but it’s not. It’s such a shame.

I’ve always found it amusing that the national’s like to stare at us ‘whities’, particularly the kids. But yesterday it just got to me. Yes, we’re white, get over it! It also started getting to me that being white meant that market sellers like to (a) eagerly harass you to buy their stuff; and (b) then double or triple the price of their wares. While I like to support the market sellers, it gets to me that I’m seen as a meal ticket.

Having said that, I now have a greater appreciation of what indigenous or new Australian’s must feel in a predominantly ‘white’ society.

Matt is also feeling a bit down. Especially after having to be reliant on the convoy yesterday, he’s feeling isolated and stuck. To his credit, he really has been trying by stepping out of his comfort zone and putting himself in more social situations. But being stuck in a compound, usually without a car, is getting to him.

Last night and this morning I’ve been suffering from my first tummy bug. Together with my first tropical head cold, and the power going on and off several times (making all the appliances ‘ding’) made for a crappy night’s sleep. Having no accrued sick leave yet, meant that I had to drag myself to work this morning. I knew I needed some Sudafed, but found that they don’t stock the ‘good stuff’ here (pseudoephedrine), only the crappy replacement one that doesn’t work (phenylephrine).

The silver lining of my little cloud is that I now, really REALLY truly appreciate and love Canberra and Australia. While I did have some sense of appreciation, being here has really made it clear how wonderful and lucky our life at home is.

Thankfully, tomorrow is another day.
Til next time……

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