So, this is my first post via email, as I'm in Sydney for tomorrow's City 2 Surf. My apologies if this doesn't work.
OK, 20 things about me:
1: tomorrow will be my third City 2 Surf.
2: I feel guilty when I'm away from my kids.
3: I don't like tomatoes
4: I love cheese
5: My coffee of choice is a medium skim latte with one sugar.
6: The toenails on my baby toes haven't grown properly.
7: My favourite movies are The Sound of Music, The Wedding Singer and Reality Bites.
8: I hate horror films
9: I was once a qualified swimming instructor.
10: My favourite colour is blue
11: My favourite number is 2
12: I'm allergic to penicillin
13: I've been married for 14 years
14: I have only lived in Canberra and Sydney, so moving to PNG will be huge.
15: I am first generation Australian on my Dad's side.
16: My heritage is Maltese and British
17: I wanted to be a teacher, physiotherapist or paramedic when I grew up.
18: I have 2 brothers.
19: I am the eldest sibling.
20: I have a bad habit of doubting my own abilities.
So there you go.
Till next time xx
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